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Monday, March 16, 2015

Cracking RAR, ZIP & 7z Passwords using RARCRACK and Ubuntu

Below are the steps by which you can try cracking your Zip, RAR & 7z passwords.

1. Firstly download the rarcrack program: Download.
2. Then COPY it to your Desktop.

3. Building and installing:

 $ tar -xjf rarcrack-VERSION.tar.bz2  
 $ cd rarcrack-VERSION  - eg cd rarcrack-0.2
 // you need gcc or any C compiler (edit Makefile CC=YOUR_C_COMPILER)  
 $ make  
 // you must be root in next step:  
 $ make install  

If you get an error like 'xml2-config: not found'; you can resolve this issue by:
Installing 'package libxml2-dev' for example:

On Linux/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev

sudo yum install libxml2-devel

4. Once you have compiled RARCRACK you can execute it to crack your relevant file. Firstly come out of the rarcrack directory that you just extracted and compiled and type the following command in your terminal:
 rarcrack --type rar filename.rar  

For more reference you may visit the RARCRACK site:

or check the video below:


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