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Sunday, April 23, 2017

[SOLVED] - Connecting to Amazon EC2 Instance from Terminal in Ubuntu using SSH

This tutorial shows you how to connect to your Amazon EC2 Instance from your Ubunut's terminal/CLI by making use of SSH.

NOTE: if you have not installed a tool like OpenSSH in your Ubuntu system you may do so by checking out the following tutorial: or use a tool like PuTTY.

1. First down the EC2 Key Pair Private Key for your EC2 instance. To generate Key Pair, you may check the following tutorial:

2. Copy the Key pair (.pem) key to the location of your choice and make note of the location path. In my case, I created a folder called 'aws-keys' under my 'home' directory and placed the '.pem' file there.

3. Open your terminal & change the file/folder permission to 600 where you have stored your '.pem' key, else you will get an error as shown in the image below:

Click image to enlarge
NOTE: since you have changed 'file permission' to 600, you will have to use sudo.

 $ sudo chmod -R 600 aws-keys  

 4. Now enter the following commands to connect to your AWS EC2 Instance:

 sudo ssh -i file_name.pem ec2-user@<publicDNS>  

You can find your publicDNS in your EC2 Dashboard. Please refer image below:

Click image to enlarge
If login is successful you will see a message similar to the one show in the image below, depending upon your Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

Click image to enlarge

Uninstalling LibreOffice from Ubuntu using Terminal/Command Line

Please follow the instruction below to Uninstall LibreOffice from your Ubuntu system:

 sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*  
 sudo apt-get clean  
 sudo apt-get autoremove  

Installing LibreOffice in Ubuntu from .deb Packages using Terminal

This tutorial will show you how to install the latest version of LibreOffice in your Ubuntu system. If you haven't downloaded the latest build for LibreOffice, go ahead do it at:

1. When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory.

2. Now,change directory to the one starting with "LibreOffice_", followed by the version number and some platform information. Example:

 $ cd LibreOffice_5.3.2.2_Linux_x86-64_deb  

4. This directory contains a subdirectory called "DEBS". Change directory to the "DEBS" directory.

 $ cd DEBS  

5. Now open your terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and enter as below.The following commands will install LibreOffice and the desktop integration packages (you may just copy and paste them into the terminal screen rather than trying to type them):

 $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb  

The installation process is now completed, and you should have icons for all the LibreOffice applications in your desktop's Applications/Office menu. You may also open your Unity Dash & start LibreOffice from there.

To uninstall LibreOffice,

Please check my other tutorial at:

Friday, April 7, 2017

Lesson 1- Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

This video gives you a clear understanding of the basics of Amazon EC2 web services.

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