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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How to Find/Edit Location/Path of php.ini File in your Ubuntu/LAMP Setup

In some cases, you might have two PHP configuration files: one for the PHP command line and for the web server. If so, make the change in both php.ini files.

1. To Edit web server's php.ini file

Open any text editor of you choice like Gedit and Copy/Paste the following PHP code and Save the file as 'info.php' inside the Document Root folder of your Web Server. Usually the path to your Document Root should be something like '/var/www/html/'. Make sure to save your file under the 'html' folder.


Now access this file from a browser using the following URL: http://localhost/info.php

You should be seeing a page open as shown in the image below. The path to your 'php.ini' file will be under Loaded Configuration File. In my case the path was as follows: Loaded Configuration File    /etc/php/5.6/apache2/php.ini

How to Find/Edit Location/Path of php.ini File in your Ubuntu/LAMP Setup
Click on image to enlarge

2. To Edit CLI's 'php.ini' file

Open your Terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and enter the following command:
 php --ini  

You should get output as shown in the image below. Here too you should be looking for the Loaded Configuration File path. In my case it was /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini.

Edit CLI's 'php.ini' file
Click on image to enlarge

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