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Thursday, December 27, 2018

[SOLVED]: Module 'Amasty_Base' from 'app/code/Amasty/Base' has been already defined in 'vendor/amasty/base'

If you have been trying to install Amasty Extension(s) in your Magento 2 installation by using SSH, and run into this error 'Module 'Amasty_Base' from 'app/code/Amasty/Base' has been already defined in 'vendor/amasty/base'', use the solution below to resolve your issue.

This issue occurs if you have installed Amasty Extension(s) manually and the 'Amasty Base' file already exists inside the directory 'app/code/Amasty/Base.' & later when you try to install another Amasty extension using SSH, composer will notice this file in app/code and hence the error. Composer creates the 'Base' directory in the following location 'vendor/amasty/base'.


1. Go to the root directory of your Magento Installation.
2. Enter the following commands:

1:  composer remove amasty/composer_name_of_your_extension  
2:  rm -rf app/code/Amasty/Base  
3:  rm -rf vendor/amasty/base  
4:  composer dump-autoload  

3. Now INSTALL your Amasty Extension by running the following command:

1:  composer require amasty/composer_name_of_your_extension  
2:  php bin/magento setup:upgrade  
3:  php bin/magento setup:di:compile  
4:  php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  


To find the composer name of your extension:
  • Log into your Amasty Account
  • Goto to My Downloads page and look under Composer Name column. See image below to get an idea.
Click on image to enlarge

Friday, December 21, 2018

[SOLVED]: Same Web Property ID Is Tracked Twice | Google Tag Manager | Magento 2

[SOLVED]: Same Web Property ID Is Tracked Twice | Google Tag Manager | Magento 2
Click on image to enlarge

If your Tag Assistant is firing this warning 'Same web property ID is tracked twice' while testing in your Magento 2 site, then it's because you've enabled Google Analytic in your Magento store backend, and also in Google Tag Manager.

SOLUTION: Enable Google Analytics tracking either from your site's backend or by using Google Tag Manager, but not both.

Click on image to enlarge

If you want to use Google Tag Manager for Google Analytics then disable tracking from your site's backend.

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